Sharing the magical connection between humans and our feathered and furry friends.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Return of the Bad Blogger

I have certainly been remiss in my duties as a blogger and struggle with the idea that it is kind of just self-promotion.  Yet it is true, but I know it is the best way to connect with others, especially as long as I choose to live miles from town.  We love life here and if the cold weather would depart for just a few days, I'd love it even more.  Okay, I sound a little whiney.  It has been a spring only for the hardiest of souls.  Maybe "heartiest" too.  The little goldfinch that hangs from last year's sunflowers is the brightest thing I've seen for weeks.  The sun has only peeked around the clouds a few times in the last month and I run out to catch a few rays and do some gardening.  I stay anyway as the rain cloud moves in and drenches me and the seeds I just planted.  50 degrees in the rain isn't so bad I tell myself.  One has to flow with the weather if they're to get anything done around here. 
I've been busy readying myself for an art and writing workshop I'm teaching for kids 9 - 12 this summer.  It's one day a week for 6 weeks and I called it Inspired by Nature.  Every project is designed around getting out in nature and getting in touch with a world outside of videos, music, and phones.  The natural world inspires me and fills me with joy and if I can help children find inspiration in that then it would be a wonderful goal achieved.  Lucy our goose was the catalyst for me to write and illustrate a children's book and I get to share her story on many different levels.  Her story is spiritual and I love sharing with children the importance of connecting with nature.  Lucy also inspired such creativity in me and I enjoy sharing that process too.  My life recently has been busy going into elementary schools and public libraries and I still find inspiration.  As I've shown, you never have to stay stuck in defining yourself as one thing when your heart is leading you another direction.  The world is ready for you if you're ready to leap - if you're ready to fly.   


  1. Dear Carol

    I am so excited to come across your blog. I am on the same wavelength I think. Love animals and just lately become very attuned to them and what they say. My friend Tiffany and I are going to write a kids book (or - she will write and I will ilustrate)and I'm looking forward to that. I am going to read more of your blog now. We are out here listening so it isnt all about self promotion really - I am also getting a lot from this too:) Alison

  2. Welcome back, Carol. Checked your blog several times so was happy to see you up on the screen today. Please don't think of your blog as self-promotion. It's not! While you were gone, I was blessed to add new Followers. Most are from the writing community. They're energetic and not at all shy about their goals, struggles, and successes. It's nice, actually. And I've learned soooo much about writing's sidebars. Please feel free to drop in on them. They're very good about commenting and so on...all that energy, ahhh youth!

  3. Alison and Kittie, Thanks for your comments. I think keeping to one blog will help me stay up to date. I just didn't know which blog to put a comment on so I just didn't do it at all. Well there is always something else to do is my excuse. Sun is streaming into my window - I have to go greet it! I'll be in touch!

  4. Hey sistah! Glad to see you've got an update...and don't feel like your blog is self-promoting, (tho' that's not a bad thing either). It's just fun hearing what's going on in your world...whether about your book, a Lucy sighting, the lake, the kids' workshops, life. I think Spring is a good time to get going again...plant the seed, water it a bit, add some compost, watch it grow... Anyway...welcome back!

  5. Welcome back! And I agree one blog is all I can handle, I thought briefly of separating my photography "work" and my photography "play". But I know I could never keep them apart. Sporadic or slow blogging is finding its place= there are plenty of us out there.(I even have a slow blogger icon on my page!) Hope summer finds you well-
